Pressure Scale 1st Phase

Here are 3 pressure scales that I painted from the LOP program. 3rd one is much better than the 1st but I have a long way to go.


Thanks for sharing here Dan! Please keep us posted as you go!

Here are a few good threads on the painted pressure scale:

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I’ve done about 9 pressure scales and finally starting to feel slightly comfortable with them. Any advice on this particular one? I’d like to model the remainder scales after this one.


After studying my own pressure scale I’m going to answer my own question. The medium to light tones need to have a longer transition. I need to have a longer fade out.

Generally speaking, the scales are getting better and better Dan. It is sometimes hard to tell though with an image like this, when the scale is isolated in a somewhat nebulous lighting situation. I’m not sure about the reflective factors here so it’s hard to suss out specifics. It’s always a good idea to place the model sheet scale next to one you are curious about when taking an image so that we can better navigate the conflation factors involved. (It will lead to far better feedback!)

Where can I get a good pressure scale image? I didn’t see one in the Painting notebook I received. Thanks

There should be a number of them on the Companion disc. Look in the model sheets folder.

I feel like I hit home with this one, starting to feel more comfortable doing them. I’ll check the companion disc once my computer finishes this crazy huge update. Thanks Anthony!!

I printed out the scale and when placed next to my painted one noticed the whites are a little dirty. I do feel I’ve come along way so far. I was going to finish up 4 more scales then go to phase 2. What would you say to your students? Move on or do more of phase 1? Thanks

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Sorry I didn’t catch this post sooner Dan! I would encourage a student to do more of this first phase before moving on. You really want to get a consistently clean result. Variables will only compound moving forward so I would encourage one to err on the side of over-repetition here.

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