Eganam · 14x18" · Oil on canvas

Recently completed this one. It’s of a trumpet player named Eganam who I see in the subway occasionally. It’s the first piece I’ve made that’s getting close to what I’m shooting for—something in between realistic and stylized, and painterly and more finished. And lots of color :smile:

Not quite there, but a step in the right direction :slight_smile:


Wow, great job! Love everything about it!!

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Thanks, Daniel! :smile:

Wow—This is awesome Tim. Your deployment of color is just stunning and your juxtaposition of geometry and biomorphic forms really makes for an awesome work. Bravo my friend—bravo.

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Thanks, Anthony! :smiley:

Wow, I love. I really like the use of the green to contrast with the face whilst not having a monotone background. Well done.


Thanks very much, Craig! :slight_smile: