Language of Drawing Exercise Collection

Below is a Dropbox link to a collection of Language of Drawing Exercises. Many of the images are hi-resolution details so that viewers can better appreciate the resolution that we aim for with our practice.

Folders within the LoD Exaercise Examples parent folder are organized into subfolders:

LOD Cones
LOD Creative Projects
LOD Cubes
LOD Cylinders
LOD Form Boxes
LOD Gauntlet-Capstone
LOD Gradation Blocks
LOD Gradation Patterns
LOD Misc
LOD Origin Destination
LOD Pressure Scales
LOD Shape Replication
LOD Spheres

The naming system for the files within is as follows:

LOD = Language of Drawing
LOP = Language of Painting

OD = Origin Destination
SR = Shape Replication
PS = Pressure Scales
GB = Gradation Blocks
GP = Gradation Patterns
FB = Form Box
SP = Spheres
CY = Cylinders
CN = Cones
CB = Cubes
CC = Color Chart
CP = Creative Project

DW = Diagnostic Wheel
P1 = Phase 1
P2 = Phase 2
P3 = Phase 3
LF = Life
WH = Wheel
CT = Cumulative
EC = Elipse Chart

001, 002, 003, ect.
A001, A002, A003, ect
B001, B002, B003, ect



(Language of Drawing, Cubes, Cube from Life)

Other Examples:
Langage of Drawing: Sphere Cumulative Process images
LOD_SP_CM_Process_A001.jpg, LOD_SP_CM_Process_A002.jpg, ect.
LOD_SP_CM_Process_B001.jpg, LOD_SP_CM_Process_B002.jpg, ect.

Language of Painting: Cylinder, Wheel


:open_mouth: Fantastic! Thank you, this will be an amazing help!

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Very handy, Thank you!


thanks so much, anthony :+1:
i find it so helpful to see a piece of work halfway through!
and even drawing exercises have a certain charm :slightly_smiling_face:

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These are awesome can I use these with my students as well @AWaichulis , thanks for sharing

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Absolutely Zoran—Anything of mine that I post on here you are free to use as you see fit. :smiley:

Great to hear thanks Anthony, very kind of you.

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What a fantastic resource - thanks for making this available…!!

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I am wondering how many hours a day/week should I plan on to complete the language of drawing program in a year. I understand each lesson should be mastered before proceeding to the following one and that will be different for everyone. But just trying to plan on how much time and how I will organize my schedule once I start.

I have also seen on this site where you assigned The Natural Way to Draw by Nikoiades to read. I believe he recommends working on each of his assignments about 15 hours per week. So lots to do!

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This is a great question Steven. Honestly, I don’t know that the drawing program could be completed in one year in the manner in which it was intended to produce ideal results. There is a general timeline based on all student records up to this point found in the new ÀNI site here:

This timeline averages a range of 20-35 hour per week students. The range reflects full-time and a number of conditional part-time enrollments.

The actual timeframe for an effective run through the language of drawing (for a full time student) is probably closer to about 2 years (18(+/-) months maybe if the cumulative and creative projects are not very complex.)

It’s important to note that research into deliberate practice shows that diminished rewards begin after 4-5 hours per day. In addition, this number drops if people engage in practice after a long day or physically or mentally (or both) activity.

It’s also important to note (in terms of creative projects) that creative works tend to employ more performance hours than deliberate practice hours. As such, students engaged in creative works often exceed the 4-5 hours in a day without the aforementioned diminishment being too significant. Complex creative works also greatly increase the overall timeframe averages seen in the above chart. What can I say? People engaged in this program tend to enjoy lots of detail. :smiley:

I hope these considerations help you to strategize and effective plan your time. Please let me know if I can help narrow or better clarify any of these points.

Best wishes for every possible success!
