Is It Real? 11x14 in. oil on panel

On this piece I wanted to paint a fun and unusual subject. I painted a Real, Brazil´s national currency, to ask the question, is it real? Is the Real real? Beside the Real is a little clown figurine with balloons. The question can be asked once again…is it real? Can that be possible?! Can balloons make people fly? On the little paper note I tried to write in French about the trompe l´oeil illusionistic style of painting…again asking the question C´est real? Is it real?


What a cool concept Jose! You know, I am working on a text currently that focuses on just this idea. If it is OK, I might like to use this piece as well as your description of what you are trying to explore. Would that be alright with you?

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Thank you, Anthony! Sure, it will be such an honor for me! I get inspired by your work and I´m trying my best to come up with more fun and original concepts like this. This one I really gave it some thought. Real besides meaning real in spanish and portuguese means royal…so I contemplated this idea of painting a Brazilian Real…but what else would be fun to paint? I thought and thought and couldn´t come up with any good idea until I found and bought the little clown at ebay…I was like yes…this is going to be so cool to paint!!!